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Digital Fire Trigger Control System


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Old July 12th, 2010, 14:08   #1
Join Date: Jul 2010
Digital Fire Trigger Control System

Dear colleagues!

I'm from Poland and I would like to present new type of MOSFET-based device designed by us - Digital Fire team.

The DIGITAL FIRE Trigger Control System is a sophisticated electronic device based on microcontroller, designed for controlling the operation of AEG replicas with MOSFET transistors. The MOSFET transistor works as electronic trigger contact, what gives some major benefits.

There is no need to explain what exactly MOSFET is and how it works. If you are reading it, I think you already know it.

Moreover, our device is the only device on the market with Bluetooth connectivity, what enables convenient setup and on-line reading of replica's operating parameters.

Basic features:

- fully electronic control of trigger operation using MOSFET transistor;

- full electronic over current, voltage, and temperature monitoring, and protection - also compatible with Li-Po batteries;

- programmable fire selector modes: semi, auto, burst, programmable length burst, semi-only;

- automatic "burst to full auto" switching after trigger is held for user-programmable time.

- "Soft Start" feature to reduce motor and drive train wear;

- very low trigger switch current (~10mA);

- speeds up the trigger reaction time;

- Active Brake feature;

- battery level indicator;

- shots counter;

- self-diagnostics: measurement of power consumption and temperature;

This is how it looks:

Uploaded with

System operates in a full range of voltages found in replicas.

What makes the DIGITAL FIRE so special and unique? The most important innovation is the built-in Bluetooth communication module and a free application in Java for cell phones. Thanks to Bluetooth connectivity it is possible inter alia:

- monitoring of the actual voltage of the battery, which allows you to exchange a battery before it is exhausted "in the heat of battle";
- monitoring of other parameters of the device, like ROF or current consumption;
- fired shots counter;
- setting the parameters of the unit at any time, without unnecessary complications;

and the possibility of a replica's remote controlling (REMOTE FIRE feature), using a mobile phone!!!

The mobile phone application is free and included in the kit. It requires a phone that supports Java and Bluetooth. It is also available for download on our website.

The total power consumption of the device (with an active Bluetooth) is 80mA max. and has no visible effect on the time of operation of the replica.

Detailed feature list (features available using the software for mobile phones):

a)„Actual Values” Menu:

"Actual Values" menu displays the current operation parameters of the TCS DIGITAL FIRE.

Alerts - the information about activity of the internal software fuses - the device monitors the work of the replica for the following parameters:

- Exceeding the permissible temperature of the system;

- Exceeded the permissible power consumption;

- Exceeded the permissible voltage at contacts;

"No Alerts" message means proper operation of the device;

Accu V – actual battery voltage;

Accu Level – estimated battery level percentage;

Shots Fired – number of shots fired since last battery disconnection;

Average ROF – average ROF;

b)„Settings” Menu

"Settings" menu allows you to configure the individual operation modes of the system. After entering the desired values, the function "Send Settings" should be selected to send the given values into the device's memory.

Fire Selector Mode – available settings (without "SAFE" position) :

SEMI/BURST – burst mode with user defined numer of shots;
SEMI/BURST/AUTO – witches from burst to auto after user defined time;

Burst Length – number of shots in BURST mode;

BURST/AUTO – time of holding the trigger in the burst mode, after which the system switches from BURST mode to AUTO mode [s];

Accu Alert - minimum threshold of discharge of the battery, after which the application will inform the user (with sound and / or vibration), that the battery needs to be replaced;

Alert Mode - accu alert type : OFF/AUDIO/VIBRA/ALL;

Accu Type – type of connected battery, necessary for correct calculation of the battery level, possible values: 7.2V, 7.4V, 8.4V, 9.6V, 10.8V, 11.1V, 12V, 12.8V;

Restore defaults – restores all settings to default;

Send Settings – sends all the settings to device;

c)„Remote Fire” feature;

"Remote fire" feature allows you to fire your replica remotely, using mobile phone.

This function operates in monostable mode, with a programmable time of action - remote switching the engine of a replica is triggered for the user-defined time. In the "choose time" field the desired time in milliseconds should be given, and then select the "Fire" button.

Furthermore, the device is equipped with the bootloader feature - it means that you can upgrade the software in your device all by yourself, using Bluetooth and free upgrading software, available on our website. The latest versions of the software will also be available on our website for free download.

Fire Control System DIGITAL FIRE is very easy to install. Like in most MOSFET circuits -it is required only to add one extra cable to the trigger contacts. The set includes complete installation guide with pictures.

On our website you can find photos and videos demonstrating the operation of the system. You can also download DIGITAL FIRE application, install it on your phone and try it out by yourself.

Currently we are working at user manual and additional audiovisual materials, the english version of the site is also in under construction, so please be patient.

We are also working on a some additional useful features, and we are open to suggestions - as I wrote the device is software upgradeable, so if there are new features of the device, everyone will be able to update the software on their own.

Unit price is $ 105 per kit including shipping from Poland. The kit includes "DIGITAL FIRE" Trigger Control System and CD with JAVA application and assembly instructions in PDF format. The Digital Fire Trigger Control System is available via Ebay (links on our website).

General specification:

Overall dimensions: 21 x 54 x 12 mm;
Supply voltage : from 7.4V to 12V;
Average current consumption without Bluetooth: 10mA;
Average power consumption with Bluetooth: 80mA;
Internal resistance: less than 1ohm;
Maximum continuous current: 340A;
Maximum current in pulse: 1420A;
Maximum continuous power: 300W;

I hope this topic does not violate the rights of this forum. If you have any questions, feel free to email or PM me.

Regards from Poland.

Last edited by digitalfire; July 12th, 2010 at 14:28..
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Old July 12th, 2010, 18:58   #2
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Don't take it wrong...

But we have a guy here that made that kind of thing about 2 years ago... now a day even china clones come with one...
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old July 12th, 2010, 23:56   #3
skalnok's Avatar
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ill admit the blue tooth thing is pretty damn cool but donp has my vote because hes canadian... still the blue tooth is cool and tempting.
Originally Posted by matt491 View Post
...stalker's gonna kill you....and you wont even see it coming! Hell, he'll kill you and god himself will be going, "Where the hell did that come from!?" CDN_Stalker should just be the new god!
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Old July 13th, 2010, 00:07   #4
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remote control trigger sounds so cool.. i'm just trying to come up with a practical use for it...remote sentry gun? what's the range?
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Old July 13th, 2010, 12:52   #5
a.k.a. LastSpartan
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I'm just scared of this remote firing thingy, especially in the wrong hands.

DonP would get my money first that's for sure.


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Old July 13th, 2010, 14:34   #6
Join Date: Jul 2010
Thank you for all feedback and opinions.

@Kos - Mos

I know, but it is inevitable, what can I do?

@ ratnest

Sentry gun is one of some possible applications, for example you can also use it in ambush. We use 2nd class Bluetooth device, the range is approx. 10 meters.


Every device has uniqe PIN code (four digits), which should be given to get connected with the DF module, so it's quite good protected against unauthorized access.
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Old July 13th, 2010, 14:52   #7
a.k.a. LastSpartan
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That's a good thing, but I'm more scared of it since it has no eyes. The cannon of the "turret" may be pointing something the operator hasn't seen. Like a player that's way too close.

Pretty much like blind firing.


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