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ICS M4 SIR internals what to buy help (formally "G&G or JG")


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Old February 9th, 2009, 15:28   #1
hot_shot under fire
AKA M700murder
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ICS M4 SIR internals what to buy help (formally "G&G or JG")

Ok, first off, I would like to say that I myself would not be buying the weapon. My parents would be buying it for me. Now, befor you all go crazy and say "We don't support this and never will", just hold on a second and read on.

Once they recieve the weapon, I pay them back the money, and they keep the weapon locked away in the gun safe. Me and my father would work on it. The only time I would be in contact with the weapon is when working on it, and when test firing it. It would not be classified as my gun until I reached the age of 18 and had my licence.

The whole project would be under close supervision of my parents at all times, and no illegal actions would take place while I had the weapon. This project is strictly so when I turn 18 I will be abled to game the weapon ASAP so I will not have to wait an other year to play airsoft.

Next on the list of before I start is this is not a "What gun is the best" thread. This is a "What is a better upgrade platform weapon" thread. Also, I know that this topic should be in the "Guns descution" forum, but I feel its best off here for my own safety.

Now onto my main topic. Right now, I am having trouble deciding weather I should invest in a JG or a G&G airsoft gun. My plan is to have my parents buy the weapon when I am 16, and for two years, I upgrade it and customize it to become something like a C7A2.

The base weapon I was thinking of would be either the JG M4A1 from (I know, I know...). Or the G&G M16 carbine from (Once again, I know...)

Now before the comments start comming saying "if you're not 18, than no gun" and usually followed by "+1" posts start comming. I want to say that I will NEVER game the weapon before I turn 18.

Anyhow, moving on.

I was wondering what would be best to make into a C7. The M16 or the M4? The M4 has the same basic internals and externals as the M16, but I would have to buy a whole new barrel and front half of the gun. I would also have to get some new internals. The M16 on the other hand has the rough length of the C7's inner barrel. I would only have to upgrade it to look like the C7, and also mabey install a new hop-up, gear box, inner barrel and/or a new flash hider. I would also have to buy a new stock.

The only other questionability would be that of the quality of the externals. The M16 has mostly fiberglass externals while the JG M4 has plastic externals. This may be a no-brainer to go for the G&G, but is the JG better to go with simply because it may be easer to install a metal body? Or would it be best to stay with the M16's fiberglass body because its lightweight. The only con to this is that it may shatter like glass if smashed right.

What do you recommend? Any other ideas on what base gun to use? Is it worth the money?

Thanks in advance.

NSWDG Enthusiast, Milsim Junkie, Tactical Tailor, Kit Calibrator.
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Last edited by hot_shot under fire; May 11th, 2009 at 19:55..
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Old February 9th, 2009, 16:38   #2
Suburban Gun Runner
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If I'm not mistaken there is already a C8 version available on 007airsoft, in my opionion that would be a great place to start as the mags are the sam e as the c7. It also has a full length stock (large battery). All you would have to add is the OD furnature on the handguard.

In fact I think there is a review on that gun too.
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Old February 9th, 2009, 16:41   #3
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Heh i made a post just like this but it was comparing the JG m4a1 and The G&G m4a1. Anyways. It goes like this. The G&G will probably be a better buy. Its constructed of Nylon/Composite which is stronger. The G&G however does not have the Working charging handle like the JG. The G&G is of darker plastic. The G&G uses a 9.6 V battery so the RPM will be better. IF you want a more Light weight assault rifle go for the JG. For my i would recommend the JG only because i know more about it and the JG internals are supposedly better, but because your going to upgrade go for the G&G. I hope this sums most of what u want to know.
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Old February 9th, 2009, 17:00   #4
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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Originally Posted by ccssneo View Post
Heh i made a post just like this but it was comparing the JG m4a1 and The G&G m4a1. Anyways. It goes like this. The G&G will probably be a better buy. Its constructed of Nylon/Composite which is stronger. The G&G however does not have the Working charging handle like the JG. The G&G is of darker plastic. The G&G uses a 9.6 V battery so the RPM will be better. IF you want a more Light weight assault rifle go for the JG. For my i would recommend the JG only because i know more about it and the JG internals are supposedly better, but because your going to upgrade go for the G&G. I hope this sums most of what u want to know.
Great way to tell 2 different brand AEGs when you haven't owned one yet, or experienced to open one up, or even to touch one... lol

Also, there is no need to buy a metal body if you are going not going to game it like you have said. You will not be able to buy a metal body, until you are Age Verified. Metal Bodies will not make it over the border.

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Old February 9th, 2009, 17:12   #5
hot_shot under fire
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Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman View Post
Great way to tell 2 different brand AEGs when you haven't owned one yet, or experienced to open one up, or even to touch one... lol

Also, there is no need to buy a metal body if you are going not going to game it like you have said. You will not be able to buy a metal body, until you are Age Verified. Metal Bodies will not make it over the border.
Actually, I believe there are metal bodys on But I have read some really bad stuff about them conserning shipping. I probably will not buy a metal body until I am 18 and have access to the buy and sell section. Simply because its easier and there are plenty of trustworthy people here.

Thanks for the advice everyone. I will keep up my reserch on both the guns.

And notom66866, I will look up the C8 on 007 airsoft.

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Old February 9th, 2009, 17:20   #6
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Originally Posted by hot_shot under fire View Post
Actually, I believe there are metal bodys on But I have read some really bad stuff about them conserning shipping. I probably will not buy a metal body until I am 18 and have access to the buy and sell section. Simply because its easier and there are plenty of trustworthy people here.

Thanks for the advice everyone. I will keep up my reserch on both the guns.

And notom66866, I will look up the C8 on 007 airsoft.

C8 on 007 Airsoft? AFAIK, Ken doesn't sell anything other than the Cansoft guns anymore.
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Old February 9th, 2009, 17:21   #7
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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Originally Posted by hot_shot under fire View Post
Actually, I believe there are metal bodys on But I have read some really bad stuff about them conserning shipping. I probably will not buy a metal body until I am 18 and have access to the buy and sell section. Simply because its easier and there are plenty of trustworthy people here.

Thanks for the advice everyone. I will keep up my reserch on both the guns.

And notom66866, I will look up the C8 on 007 airsoft.

If you can't have the money to spend a 300$ gun, you think you are actually going to spend 300$ on metal body? Why?
Why not buy a quality gun like a CA where it's full metal, any you save yourself some money. Your parents are actually going to spend 600$ + shipping for you to buy an airsoft gun and a body that costs the same as another gun? PLUS, the amount of money for internal upgrades and all?
You must be one lucky kid.

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Old February 9th, 2009, 17:26   #8
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Yea seriously. Just get your dad to join the forum and get AV'd and get a CA or G&P or something worth spending that kind of money on.

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Old February 9th, 2009, 17:31   #9
hot_shot under fire
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Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman View Post
If you can't have the money to spend a 300$ gun, you think you are actually going to spend 300$ on metal body? Why?
Why not buy a quality gun like a CA where it's full metal, any you save yourself some money. Your parents are actually going to spend 600$ + shipping for you to buy an airsoft gun and a body that costs the same as another gun? PLUS, the amount of money for internal upgrades and all?
You must be one lucky kid.
I actually pay them in advance plus a little extra, than they pay off the credit card with that money after they purchace the gun. I work very hard to make the money, so at $7.00 an hour, I figure its worth it. Although student pay is at something like $8.40 now I believe, Im not afraid to work extra time for the gun.

As for the metal body, I will be paying for it when I am 18. My parents have nothing to worry about there.

Im just trying to do this the way that allows me to play as soon as I turn 18, and the way that allows me to upgrade my gun to my needs. And also the way that doesn't end in me "breaking every rule in the book." I know there is no real book, but there is what ASC frowns at. Just tell me when Im going about something the wrong way and I will try my best to right that wrong.

EDIT: As for kalnaren's idea, I've tryed that, and my dad said no. He said I have to do this the honest way BUT he will get the gun for a father son project. Seeing how this is our first one, I think this will make for a great project for us to both enjoy.
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Last edited by hot_shot under fire; February 9th, 2009 at 17:34..
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Old February 9th, 2009, 17:33   #10
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How about you just keep saving money until you're 18, then you'll have a lot more money to spend on a better gun (and gear)?

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Old February 9th, 2009, 17:34   #11
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Originally Posted by hot_shot under fire View Post
Im just trying to do this the way that allows me to play as soon as I turn 18,
Save your money and get a really good kit when you turn 18? Just a thought.

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Old February 9th, 2009, 17:35   #12
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Yea seriously. Just get your dad to join the forum and get AV'd and get a CA or G&P or something worth spending that kind of money on.
That's against AV rules. If his father were to be an active player, then fine. If it's simply to buy his kid a gun, he can't be AVed
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Old February 9th, 2009, 17:40   #13
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
That's against AV rules. If his father were to be an active player, then fine. If it's simply to buy his kid a gun, he can't be AVed
Really? Didn't know that. Thanks for the info.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old February 9th, 2009, 17:46   #14
hot_shot under fire
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
How about you just keep saving money until you're 18, then you'll have a lot more money to spend on a better gun (and gear)?

I dont realy want a "really good gun". I want something to upgrade. If I couldn't upgrade the gun, then there is no father son project.

I also have almost all of my gear already. I have my CADPAT BDU's, by knee pads, my helmet, my tac. vest, and my extra pouches. I also have my ghillie suit in the works. Everything I have, I have used my own money to buy it with. Ever since I was old enough to get a summer job I have paid for my own clothes, shoes and school suplies. This is probably the biggest reason that my parents are doing this for me.
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Old February 9th, 2009, 17:55   #15
formerly bazza
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i have shot the G&g guns from 007 airsoft , they are well bult and very sturdy , if your looking for a weapon to remake a c7 ( are you going c7a1 or a2 by the way ) i would go with the g&g . jg are ok but for the price difference go with the better built gun
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