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Need advice on MP5's


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Old April 13th, 2009, 00:14   #1
a.k.a {BDS} Veritas
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Need advice on MP5's

So this will be my 1st airsoft gun and im fairly sure that an MP5 is the way i want to go. I have a decent amount of money to the area of 450.00 Canadian. I have been looking at the mp5 sd6 but also the others sd5 and so on. I would like to be playing outdoors as well as indoors so i would like something that will be good for both. I got an offer for the sd6 at 450$ with some mags and a scope but no battery or charger and was told its not the best for outside because its stock. Or a sd5 that shoots around 400fps with some mags and a rail. The both have deans connections but dont have batterys or charger. The sd5 is 500$. What do you guys think?

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Old April 13th, 2009, 00:22   #2
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I have a JG MP5 SD5 and it's great, I recommend it if your not looking to spend a lot of money, but want a decent gun as a start.
Originally Posted by Frozen Tex View Post
Is there a Cansoft Banhammer with a clear plastic shaft? And will it be compatible with full metal/wood Banhammers?

Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
I'm a sniper.

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Old April 13th, 2009, 00:24   #3
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Wasn't this thread already posted?

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old April 13th, 2009, 00:26   #4
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Yes, stop making multiple posts about the same thing.
Jesus man, it's like 5 threads down.

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Old April 13th, 2009, 00:30   #5
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If you want a multi-use gun, get one of the MP5s with a metal body. They're the easiest to take apart as with a couple of pins, you can easily slide the lower receiver out of the gun without taking the upper all apart like a plastic one. You can easily get a second lower receiver, mechbox, selector switch and motor. Set one mechbox for sub 350 for indoors, and have the other set in the high 300s for outdoors.

Top contenders for metal bodied MP5 goes to the CA, followed closely by ICS. If you can get either of those you'll have excellent quality internals and externals and an easily swappable lower.

If you can somehow get one, another great option is to look into the new Echo 1 Master Series MP5. It's an all metal upper, and comes with 2 complete lowers with mechbox, motor, etc as I described above all in one package. There's no SD version though. Only with a railed front end.

Last edited by Crunchmeister; April 13th, 2009 at 00:34..
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Old April 13th, 2009, 00:32   #6
a.k.a {BDS} Veritas
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hey Styrak do you just hang around and piss on peoples post that are asking question or do you sometimes give people good advice on things that may help them. If you read the other post is was about good starter guns not the difference between 2 mp5's. So maybe you should try to be kinder to people that are trying to get involved in airsoft instead of being a huge dick head like the post you left Stewy. Man oh man get a grip!!!

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Old April 13th, 2009, 00:42   #7
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Regardless of the fact that I find pissing on other peoples post a waste of everyones time, you are not going to win many friends with those personal attacks Griffen-1981.
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Old April 13th, 2009, 00:43   #8
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I have a JG MP5 Navy Ras and love it. The only downfall is the hop up adjustment is easily bumpable on the outside above the foregrip.

Other than that, it's full metal, very realistic, shoots a little hot at 400fps with .25. I put a full stock and large 9.6v battery in mine so the ROF is insane. I'm going to have to put some better internals in if I want it too last. Surprisingly with such a short barrel it is extremely accurate. The groupings that mine can achieve are amazing.

MP5 hi cap mags are a little annoying as well. They require a lot of winding, and when the ROF is high, you have to wind even more. I have heard the G&P mid caps work good. The plastic Mag brand ones won't stay in the reciever and will fall out of the gun, usually during a firefight at a very inopportune time.

My next MP5 is going to be one of the G&G's, I have been really impressed by their stuff as of late.
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Old April 13th, 2009, 00:47   #9
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An MP5 shooting around 340 with a good hop-up unit, inner barrel, and good BB's (.28g) will be fine for outdoor use. If you can get a full metal one, I'd so go for it. A full metal MP5 is quite a nice piece.

For mags, I use TM standard mags and STAR realcaps. Both feed fine.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old April 13th, 2009, 03:51   #10
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Originally Posted by Griffen_1981 View Post
hey Styrak do you just hang around and piss on peoples post that are asking question or do you sometimes give people good advice on things that may help them. If you read the other post is was about good starter guns not the difference between 2 mp5's. So maybe you should try to be kinder to people that are trying to get involved in airsoft instead of being a huge dick head like the post you left Stewy. Man oh man get a grip!!!
Styrak is just the kind of person to tell it like it is. He calls a spade a spade. Maybe you just need to grow some thicker skin and learn to take what is said with a grain of salt.
My trust is in whiskey, in weed and in Slayer, its GODDAMN ELECTRIC - Pantera

Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old April 13th, 2009, 10:40   #11
a.k.a {BDS} Veritas
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I don't know the guy maybe as well as you do all i was saying was i had a few questions about MP5's. If you don't have any thing to say about em... don't. This is not my 1st encounter with a him telling new players some BS about not wanting to help them. My other post was about starter guns witch took my to an mp5. It's resolved so id rather drop it. Sorry for making it a public issue. And thanks for the info on the mp5's it helped i think im ready for my 1st gun purchase.

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Old April 13th, 2009, 11:23   #12
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Originally Posted by Griffen_1981 View Post
So this will be my 1st airsoft gun and im fairly sure that an MP5 is the way i want to go. I have a decent amount of money to the area of 450.00 Canadian. I have been looking at the mp5 sd6 but also the others sd5 and so on. I would like to be playing outdoors as well as indoors so i would like something that will be good for both. I got an offer for the sd6 at 450$ with some mags and a scope but no battery or charger and was told its not the best for outside because its stock. Or a sd5 that shoots around 400fps with some mags and a rail. The both have deans connections but dont have batterys or charger. The sd5 is 500$. What do you guys think?

Last edited by coach; April 13th, 2009 at 18:19.. Reason: comment retracted
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Old April 13th, 2009, 11:32   #13
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Styrak has a point, he just wasn't nice about it but who cares?

For an mp5, avoid the sd series for a bunch of reasons.
The front end is too small for anything other than a small battery. If you go full stock for a bigger battery, you defeat the purpose of getting an mp5, which is the super compact size.
Also, the sd silencer can break easily and is hard to replace.
If you want to mount a ris, you'll have to change more parts.

The best mp5 to start with is a metal body mp5 ras. JG makes a great one but it could use $100 in parts to make it awesome. Cheap, solid, powerful, small.
It has a ris so you can put on a battery box and keep it small with a great rof.

I took my jg mp5 ras and built it up for a high-power lipo setup and it's MEAN.
390 fps, 20 bbs per sec. Only a 2fps variance.
Because of the solid design of the mp5, they are remarkably accurate at range.

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Old April 13th, 2009, 14:48   #14
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Originally Posted by Schwag View Post
Styrak has a point, he just wasn't nice about it but who cares?

For an mp5, avoid the sd series for a bunch of reasons.
The front end is too small for anything other than a small battery. If you go full stock for a bigger battery, you defeat the purpose of getting an mp5, which is the super compact size.
Also, the sd silencer can break easily and is hard to replace.
If you want to mount a ris, you'll have to change more parts.

The best mp5 to start with is a metal body mp5 ras. JG makes a great one but it could use $100 in parts to make it awesome. Cheap, solid, powerful, small.
It has a ris so you can put on a battery box and keep it small with a great rof.

I took my jg mp5 ras and built it up for a high-power lipo setup and it's MEAN.
390 fps, 20 bbs per sec. Only a 2fps variance.
Because of the solid design of the mp5, they are remarkably accurate at range.
The silencer and the Full stock also allows you to have a large battery, with a longer barrel. Not everyone chooses them just because they're small
Originally Posted by Frozen Tex View Post
Is there a Cansoft Banhammer with a clear plastic shaft? And will it be compatible with full metal/wood Banhammers?

Originally Posted by Aquamarine View Post
I'm a sniper.

Because I'm fat and can't run fast.
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Old April 13th, 2009, 15:04   #15
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the silencers on them are not great but if they break you can buy a new one easily enough. In fact I think Styrak sold them i dont know if he still does but he does sell some really nice silencers!! ... (And this is why you should have tougher skin!! never know what these people can do for you!!)

I say that a full stock is a waste of time (might as well get an m4 cause the manuverability is basically the same then lol!). Sliding stocks or folding are nice to make the gun more manuverable and i use mini batteries in mine just have 2 in case you need to change em!!
You realy think so? I totaly agree! with what I'm not sure yet but I'll bet that I'll find out.
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