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How to get authorisation to use a field?



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Old July 27th, 2006, 15:31   #1
Korneil's Avatar
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Exclamation How to get authorisation to use a field?

Before you start flaming read and understand the following. My goal here is to get information to avoid situation such as this one for any newbies or other people wanting to start a new field.

Here is my situation. I live in a small town of approx. 30 000 people. As far as I know I am the only one playing (or at least wanting to play) airsoft. I am gradually trying to create a small airsoft community here. The nearest field and/or team is about 300 to 500 km away. You can understand that for a 4 hours game it is not worth the travel. Since there are no team near I can't easily go to games to ask my questions so I turn to this community to help me and others to avoid legal problems. I'm not a complete noob though, I've been to a few games (maybe not enough), before I move back here, after my collegial studies.

I've been looking around for places to play safely, out of view from public, I have found some places but now I want to know who I should contact to know if I can go play there. I know I have to inform the police to avoid problems, but is there a person, a precise officer I should contact or do I just have to talk to the receptionist about that. I want to make things clear to the police so we don't get arrested or worst get shot. Who should I contact else than the police and the owner of the field? Should I contact people from the city council? Are there things I'm forgeting or overlooked?

As I said before, I can't attend on regular basis to games held in Quebec or Montreal since these places are too far away form my town, not that I don't want to go to games. So I would like to read what are the different steps to make a fields designated for airsoft games.

Thanks in advance for you help.

PS: Try to keep in mind that this thread could be helpful for other people desiring to create a field.
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Old July 27th, 2006, 15:37   #2
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There's alot of thing you have to do.

First, yes, you should inform the police that there is an area where people are playing with replica firearms, show them that area, and then isolate that area as much as possible from the public. Then, you need to buy insurances and such, and make sure you own the land or the land owner has given you permission. But you're going to have to make up a good field for the first airsoft experience where you live, or no one will want to play it. There's alot of work that has to go into making a field.
Looking for an Age Verifier who passes through Renfrew area to contact me! PM me please!

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Old July 27th, 2006, 17:21   #3
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Originally Posted by Korneil
I've been looking around for places to play safely, out of view from public, I have found some places but now I want to know who I should contact to know if I can go play there.
Are you talking about random fields that you came across as an "ideal" field to play?

Notifying the right people only works when it's your own property or with the permission of the owner.

The only thing you need to worry about is insurance........the most expensive part of all.
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Old July 27th, 2006, 17:24   #4
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The owner of the field, because he will need insurance, and then advise the police (Local and the QPP) about your intent.
They will know if there are any laws against using air-guns (or guns of any kind) in your municipality.
Also, be sure the field is not in view of anyone passing by OR open to the public.

Then pray.
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Old July 27th, 2006, 20:49   #5
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Greylocks is quite correct in what he says. I am in pretty much the same situation as you are Korneil

I have permission to use an 11 acre block of privately owned land for Airsoft, its very private away from major streets etc , and I am currently doing the contacting of Police etc etc.

The Police was the first contact to make on my own list. From there, depending on what their views/laws were/state depended on what I do next.

Long story short I have received a reply back from the Police stating a certain by law within the municipality in which the ground/field is situated.

Rather than bring any kind of disrepute to the Airsoft coomunity in general, I may have to seek legal advice as to what I do next, and even if it is worth the hassle. The Inspector that sent me the email noted that his views werent a legal view, but that of what he perceives to be correct given the bylaw as it is read. Bylaw enforcement officers agree with the Inspectors opinion in this matter.
I have asked for advice via my clubs "parent" club to see what if anything can be done, or even if it is worth persuing further. I maybe better off looking at somewhere else to play.

I dont want to get into long drawn out thread on here, I have only posted this as heads up as to what may or may not happen in your own situation. I wish you luck.
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Old July 28th, 2006, 00:46   #6
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Originally Posted by thephenom
Are you talking about random fields that you came across as an "ideal" field to play?

Notifying the right people only works when it's your own property or with the permission of the owner.

The only thing you need to worry about is insurance........the most expensive part of all.
If you have a better way to find a field to play other than looking what is available around my place tell me.

I do know I need the owner's authorisation to play on a field.
As for owners insurance what kind of insurance does he need?
What legal paper do I need to get legal authority from.

I do know I need to inform the police but I wonder as to whom should I talk/contact to get legal information and confimation that we wont be bothered much by them. (Inspector, officer, other) Since there is only the QPP and no more municipal police it simplifies the police contact.
Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at. - Murphy's Law of combat
""There are no atheists in foxholes" isn't an argument against atheism, it's an argument against foxholes." - James Morrow

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Old July 28th, 2006, 00:51   #7
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Originally Posted by Korneil
If you have a better way to find a field to play other than looking what is available around my place tell me.

I do know I need the owner's authorisation to play on a field.
As for owners insurance what kind of insurance does he need?
What legal paper do I need to get legal authority from.

I do know I need to inform the police but I wonder as to whom should I talk/contact to get legal information and confimation that we wont be bothered much by them. (Inspector, officer, other) Since there is only the QPP and no more municipal police it simplifies the police contact.
This will probably answer the basic of it.

Insurance is for owner to cover his ass when airsoft players gets injured on the field, and decides to sue him/her for medical or what not. From other posts I've read, insurance alone cost about $600/month.

By finding out all the by-laws and regulation in your town, then you'll find out what paperwork you need. (It's not something that's discussed a whole lot on ASC, you can probably PM Brian McIlmoyle to get a basic idea of what's needed)
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