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Brand New CA M15A4 CQB, should I go with 8.4v or 9.6v?


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Old August 13th, 2006, 04:53   #1
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Athabasca, AB
Brand New CA M15A4 CQB, should I go with 8.4v or 9.6v?

First, I have read through ALMOST ALL threads about the pros and cons of batteries on this forum. I have also read through ALL of the CA M15A4 series threads using the search function.

From what I have gathered, it is wise to go with an 8.4 Volt for standard guns to not overstress the internals. As well, capacities beyond 2400 mAH are not really required.

I have found a decent 8.4V/2400 mAH battery here:

there is also a 9.6 V equivalent.

My question is to those with experience with the redesigned CA M15's such as the CQB what have all-reinforced parts. Are these guns designed to operate at 9.6 V due to said enhancements, or should I still play it safe and stick to the TM 8.4V standard?

I understand their is remarkable ROF with the 9.6 V, does anyone have experience with using both and can tell me approx how much slower the cyclic rate is?

Most importantly, have people been bringing in these guns to smiths with excessive internal wear from longterm 9.6 v battery use?

An intangible factor at this time ( my gun is in the mail right now) would be that the is a shorter battery and would accomodate more crane stock travel....comments?

Thanks for your replys
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Old August 13th, 2006, 09:04   #2
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Moose Jaw, SK
Nooo.. That one is a NiCD. Get NiMH. It's cheaper, and better. No memory in it.

3300mah 8.4v. I have one and it has amazing ROF, there is NO NEED for a 9.6v in this gun, it is a hose already.

-- And YES! The 8.4v battery will allow more and full retraction of the stock when properly installed. I can help you with installation via MSN or PM if you need it.
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Old August 13th, 2006, 23:42   #3
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Athabasca, AB
awesome , thanks.

Thats exactly the info I needed to pulled the trigger on my purchase!

I owe you a beer!

The reason I thought the Ni-Cad would be good is because I just bought a nice fancy TLP 4000c pulse charger that discharges and charges THREE times before giving the battery a full deep slow charge.

With this charger would the NiCAD perform better as memory problems will not really crop up.

I add you to my MSN list as soon as I get aroudn to reformatting this thing, be nice to have someone to talk to who has experience withthis AEG

PS you have to tell me where I can get those sigs, Kid!

I will ALSO be the proud owner of a CQB and a TM Glock 18C in about 48 hours!!! :cheers:
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Old August 14th, 2006, 00:24   #4
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Location: Northern Alberta
You should get between 300-500 max usuable charge cycles out of a Nicad before you run into condition problems. Your gun will pack it in or be gone long before that happens. There is nothing wrong with using a Nicad pack. Nimh is good as well.

Like Kid says, stick to 8.4v. The ROF with a 9.6 is just too high with the obviously High Speed Gears they use in this gun. You'll likely pack it in prematurely with 9.6v.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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