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TM AK Spets Lo-Cap 47 rounds


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Old March 16th, 2006, 22:05   #1
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TM AK Spets Lo-Cap 47 rounds

No TM doesn't make them.

but I modded 1 and just want to share some info and pics.
Reason for the mod:
- I can't go prone with those long ass lowcaps.
- This has been on my mind for some a long time now.
- Long curve mags won't fit in usual mag pouches.
- the Milsim is coming
- I took the time to chop up some Star mags but they only hold 23 rounds

From the left, TM Lo-cap, My Spetz Lo-cap, Spetz hicap, Star "30round" chopped.

I chopped a star mag through the middle to find that they only use 3 quarter of the mag. So I chopped up another Star Mag at the measured line.
This solves the size problem. But the limited rounds still pisses me off.

__________________________________________________ ____________

So I dug up the time to make the world first TM Spets Lo-cap.
Upon opening the TM Lo-cap I see that they've (for some unknown reason) not utilize their designed spaces. The springguide is placed on the highest notch, reducing the capacity by 2-3bbs. This isn't much but they also done it to the DE Version1 mags.

Because of the shape of the guides I only have a limited amount of space to crop out if I ever want to make a perfect connection back together and be able to fit inside the spet's body.

I made some trial cut before getting to the limit line (under the springguide stopper plate.)

Cut the springguide and spring, sand down the rough edge

The 2 parts fuse perfectly.

The single screw pivot the two peice at the bottom so incase I push too hard during loading I epoxyed hooks inside (bend paper clips).

cut out the loop at the bottom.

Sand down the round bottom and clean out excess plastics.

Slide the plate in place to test.

You ask why on earth would you waist a hi and a lo cap to make 1 really lo-cap?
Why da hell not. It's exactly what a sniper AK need.
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Old March 16th, 2006, 23:01   #2
Freedom Fighter
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LOL great! Me & DanOnymus were planning on modding some AK lows and this has got to be the absolute best way of doing such. It is costly but a great idea. Any true AK fanatic will love this idea, I know I sure as hell do and I plan on making three right away.

Great pics and directions :tup:
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Old March 16th, 2006, 23:05   #3
star made the M16 lowcap, and now they have the M16 VN lowcap. I think its just a matter of time before they make the AK beta lowcap.
Still, thats bitching, I just got my AK, so im looking forward to more mag selection for it
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Old March 16th, 2006, 23:16   #4
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how did you fuse it together? expoxy as well?
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Old March 17th, 2006, 02:23   #5
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Ya I just can't wait for Star to make the Spetz mags anymore.

wash off any oil with soap and water.
I used those clear 12 minutes epoxy at first to gule the first half. This allows for lots of time to match up the two and clamp them down. Its also easier to cut out run out in the BB chanel with an exacto knife simular with hotglue.
but then I use epoxy metal for the hooks and the other half. I find it easier to fill gaps with it once everything it set in place with the scres on. Tooth pick is always the best tool for epoxy.

Don't glue the two halfs together like Star did. Cleaning the channels is important.

I used a notched business card to help put the spring and stopper back in.
Op-for & BCAC clubs in and around Vancouver, BC Airsoft Source Tactical Gears Parts, Accessories and Gaming Experience
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