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High-Caps frowned upon?


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Old September 15th, 2012, 22:46   #1
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High-Caps frowned upon?

Time for my first n00b question. I recently bought a Cybergun AEG FAMAS, , which only has, supposedly, 300 round magazines available for it.

2 questions.

1. is there any alternatives besides the cybergun authenticated 300 mags? Would any airsoft STANAG do?

2. If I was to go onto the field, carrying say 4 mags, at 300 a piece on average, and performing, say, a support role, would these 'high-caps' be considered cheap, for lack of a better word?

All comments and critiques are appreciated.
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Old September 15th, 2012, 22:57   #2
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purists will tell you highcaps are not ok... For milsim, I would agree... but then if it's all you got, it's all you got, what can you do?

In skirmish, it's not as frowned upon... skrim is much more casual. The all balancing factor of having 4 rattle cans stuck in your gear makes you a pretty easy target, so I would call it pretty even when opposing players can just work around you.

Even though I find players talking to each other about watercooler stuff far more useful in terms of locating where they are. :P
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Old September 15th, 2012, 22:58   #3
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Stanag mags won't fit into a famas without modification. I believe there are tutorials on how to do this.

the majority of games do not allow hicaps, skirmishes sometimes do, its up to the game host.

the support role is usually left to someone with a LMG.

I think there are some TM midcaps floating around somewhere, you have to look pretty well though.

Also Hicaps are "tactical maracas" even when they are "empty" there are just enough BB's in them to make one hell of a noise, this sucks especially when you're trying to be stealthy in any sort of capacity

also you do know that by importing this gun from outside the country there is a chance of it getting seized and you either seeing it in a long time or never?

Last edited by R.I.T.Z; September 15th, 2012 at 23:02..
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Old September 15th, 2012, 23:12   #4
Brian McIlmoyle
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Friends don't let friends be mag ticklers.
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Old September 15th, 2012, 23:32   #5
The Chad
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Although it is less realistic, it takes less time to reload a low-cap than it does to wind a high-cap, let's be honest.
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Old September 15th, 2012, 23:44   #6
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I only play play skirmish and thus far haven't been anywhere that says anything about magazine type allowed. I have played with some good guys who aren't so much into the gear and like to play light and fast and they run with just 1 high cap.

When I first started playing I wonder why would anyone give up the competitive advantage of carrying massive numbers of rounds with little effort. After some time I personally play to improve my skill and health so I prefer semi only and am moving to gas as much as I can. I enjoy a challenge but it can be tough when there are tons of rounds in the air and people are all playing like they are carrying SAWs. Movement and aim can only do so much.

I hate the wheel and the rattle. My suggestion would be to at least move to mid caps if you can. You can still carry more than enough rounds for an avg skirmish.

In general I look down on the players (or more what they do), not their gear. If someone is carrying 6 high caps and are spraying everywhere to get their kills, I don't think they have too much skill and thus don't deserve as much respect as someone who plays mostly in semi and with low caps.

Last edited by unknownvariable; September 15th, 2012 at 23:47..
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Old September 15th, 2012, 23:48   #7
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I find the more I play, the less ammo I consume... I'm lucky to expend an entire loadout of ammo in a day these days... the better you get, the less of those ridiculous odds shots you take.
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Old September 15th, 2012, 23:49   #8
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Originally Posted by unknownvariable View Post
I hate the wheel and the rattle. My suggestion would be to at least move to mid caps if you can. You can still carry more than enough rounds for an avg skirmish.

In general I look down on the players (or more what they do), not their gear. If someone is carrying 6 high caps and are spraying everywhere to get their kills, I don't think they have too much skill and thus don't deserve as much respect as someone who plays mostly in semi and with low caps.
most people joined to sport for the realism, I believe hicaps take away a large part of that.

I personally run 10, 75 round mags. sometimes its more then needed, other times you wish you could have more.
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Old September 15th, 2012, 23:58   #9
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I find more fun and realism from changing mags. I run six mid caps on a triple stacker pouch and several bb loaders just in case I run dry. I also have two 30 round mags tuck away on my rig just for emergency.

High caps are boring because you spend all your time winding and rattling. You can play a game on a single z Star 550 round high cap magazine and spend all your time winding.

I have friend that run 12 low caps just so he can do a lot of mag changes.

Also with mid or low caps, you become better management of your shooting.

Last edited by SuperHog; September 16th, 2012 at 00:09..
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Old September 16th, 2012, 00:15   #10
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I run 5x 120 rd. midcaps, usually loaded to around 75-90 rds. each.

But as for the original question I've used that exact gun you have before (borrowed it). IIRC it did take STANAG mags HOWEVER they were slightly different from my regular STANAG mags for my M4. IIRC the biggest thing I noticed was the lack of the rear "bump" on the FAMAS mag while my M4 mags had that bump, also where the magcatch actuates (ie., on the side for an AR but on the front for a FAMAS).
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Old September 16th, 2012, 00:50   #11
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It depends on what you plan on doing now, or in the future. If you foresee doing casual skirmishes for the rest of your natural airsoft lifespan, then go high-caps.

If you plan to expand outwards onto scenario and milsim based play with experience, start the right way now, and source at least non-rattle can mid-caps.

For my M4 and MP5 - I originally had just all hi-caps. I regularly play the M4, so i converted over to 5x120rd mid-caps with 1 stuffed full hi-cap as emergency reserve, to lose the noise-annoyance factor. The Mp5 that I have I have used very little, so 4-220rnd high-caps is all i have right now - not worth the expense to convert over for a little used gun. It's more a back-up/lender gun anyway.

The M14 (actually, hmm, 3 so far) came with hi-caps - and am slowly replacing them, and adding to the 2 mid-caps that i've picked up so far. The mid-caps get used first, before resorting to the stuffed full (to prevent rattling) hi-caps.

I don't plan on doing any heavy mil-simming, so mid-caps are a good compromise.
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Old September 16th, 2012, 01:31   #12
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High caps make baby Jesus cry.

And when baby Jesus cries, kittens die.

You don't want to kill kittens do you?
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Old September 16th, 2012, 03:32   #13
Kill Shot
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To OP: Re your second question, you'll probably be fine using hi-cap mags at the local fields in the Greater Vancouver area (i.e. Panther in Surrey, Bigfoot in Mission, and Tsawwassen Paintball). Most of the fields and clubs don't have specific restrictions on using hi-cap mags for their regular game days - many people use them. Check the forums for the various clubs (Fraser Valley Airsoft Assoc., Op-For Airsoft, BCAC) before going out on a particular game day just to be sure. Most, however, DO frown upon someone loading up with a few thousand rounds' worth of hi-caps, using a regular assault rifle, and calling themself a "support" gunner. It irritates me too. Of note, some clubs have specific rules as to what qualifies as a "support" weapon, and lay out different ammo limits, engagement distances, and have even discussed different FPS limits (not sure if this will be implimented though).

The only time you'll have an issue is with the longer tactical or milsim-type games, where they have specific ammo restrictions, and sometimes don't allow hi-caps. Like most of the others above, I prefer mid- or low-caps for their realism and reliability (and no rattle), and prefer more realistic ammo loads, but if all you can find is a hi-cap, then that's what you'll need to work with.

Sorry - I don't have any advice or suggestions re any other mag options for you.


Last edited by Kill Shot; September 16th, 2012 at 03:38..
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Old September 16th, 2012, 03:51   #14
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Old September 16th, 2012, 05:08   #15
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I have 10 100 rd midcaps, but they just do not want to feed in my WE AEG, they will shoot once out of ever 3-4 shots.

Hi caps are my only option :C
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