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Sidearms: Springer vs GBB


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Old May 28th, 2005, 09:01   #1
Rusty Shackeford
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Sidearms: Springer vs GBB

What are the major differences, performance wise? I plan on using it the most just as a side-arm in outdoor games, never "pistol-only" games.

I have to admit I didn't research this for very long, but this is what I currently understand:

GBB's have blowback when fired, and the springers just shoot.

Can someone help me out with my decision? I'd rather not fork out the extra 200$ for something thats not really better performance-wise.
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Old May 28th, 2005, 09:33   #2
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I really think you need to reseach stuff like this before you post here or you're gonna get flamed but...
I think what you mean by 'springer' is a non-blow back gas gun which (as the name implies features no blow back but does shoot semi-auto like most GBB's but in case you don't mean that:
Imagine that you're in a game, you have one of the rare situations where you need to use your sidearm, you pull out your springer, take your shot...and miss. With a springer you now have to cock the pistol again. Which unless you have three arms involves dropping your main weapon or something similar. In otherwords you'll spend more time getting a second shot out of a springer than you would fixing your main problem. In addition springers typically use lighter ammo than GBB's so if you're outdoors you're going to find your pellets going all over the place.
So in otherwords, if you even need a sidearm, get a GBB. They're more realistic, more powerful and you get what you pay for.
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Old May 28th, 2005, 09:36   #3
Rusty Shackeford
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Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for.

I usually research these type of things, and I tried. I used the search feature and Google, but I could not find an answer.
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Old May 28th, 2005, 11:11   #4
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Best suggestion for you right now is to go to a game, see what is used, and you'll get all your questions answered at once.
Besides, you'll meet people.
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Old May 28th, 2005, 11:28   #5
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Definetly, tsuru is correct, when you pull your pistol and only get one shot, well, that sort of sucks. Just as a counterpoint though, you have to see how often you actually need that handgun in the first place. I rarely draw one in-game, so from that perspective, the handgun is more there for looks than for functionality. For the money you spend, a GBB is not necessarily worth it... You have to look at your own situation to determine that though.
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Old May 28th, 2005, 11:55   #6
Rusty Shackeford
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
Best suggestion for you right now is to go to a game, see what is used, and you'll get all your questions answered at once.
Besides, you'll meet people.
That sounds easier than it actually is. I live about an hour away from the closest games, and I dont have a car. And then there's the fact that there is almost no airsoft players in Fredericton, New Brunswick.
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Old May 29th, 2005, 08:16   #7
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We dont all live near games. Some effort is expected and required.
Contact other players and make ride arrangements.
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Old May 29th, 2005, 10:06   #8
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It's funny that there's about 5-6 airsoft players around my city but I don't think anyone's actually ever met. :lol:

We still need to get a rep. I'll have to arrange something with Meat or what not eventually...
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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Old May 29th, 2005, 15:29   #9
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I think what people are missing though is how incredibly embarassing it is for someone to get owned by a springer. . . I've done it at least a dozen times, and the reaction from people watching is priceless everytime.

I carry a springer in my holster 98% or the time, switching only to a gas blow back for pistol-only games. The few times I have carried a gas blow back, I can count the number of times I've switched to a pistol on one hand.

For the most part, changing magazines in your AEG and switching to semi-automatic in close quarters is much more effective than resorting to a pistol.

The only thing that sticks out in my mind as making a sidearm necessary are those people who have over-upgraded their AEGs so as to make them so hot that they would be dangerous at close ranges--it also gives more suppot to those who leave their guns stock or lightly upgraded, since they do not eliminate the utility of their primary guns are close range.

My buy/sell rating.
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Old May 29th, 2005, 16:01   #10
The Saint
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Maybe you should consider an MAEG/AEP. Currently that's the TM GLOCK 18, but the Beretta 93R is due soon. An AEP won't shoot as hard as a GBB nor does it have blow back. However, its upkeep is lower in time and money, it costs less and shoots a hell of a lot more rapidly (especially since both the 18C and 93R are autopistols) and somewhat harder than a springer. It really is the middle ground between a GBB and a springer.
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Old May 29th, 2005, 19:04   #11
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Old May 29th, 2005, 19:46   #12
Rusty Shackeford
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Originally Posted by Allstarr

But why?
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Old May 29th, 2005, 19:58   #13
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Here is my little Springer introduction Thread. (An apeal to the mods: as I admid it is a shameless selfpromotion of my thread, it might be beneficial for newcomers to give it a sticky. ;-) )

Anyways, an AEP would be your best choice if you don't like to cock for every shot and the AEP glock has the same power of a TM springer.
Now having said that, if you get used to springers, they will get very usefull. Performance will depend on FPS and cocking smotthness meaning cocking will be faster. According to some American springer users, there are now and then NBB and GBB users who got their asses handed to them by high performance springers. Also, a good quality springer can last up to 5 years with medium care. Durability is the advantage of low-tech.
Downside of course, you can not use 2 springers at once. Well, unless you use Revolver springers.
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Old May 29th, 2005, 21:33   #14
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Originally Posted by Rusty Shackeford
Originally Posted by Allstarr

But why?
lol, becuz springers are amazing, even tho it shots 1 bb, really all u need is 1 bb

and u can be sooo much prouder of urself if u own 3 guys when ur the last guy in ur team, and when everybody laughts at u becuz u hade a springer, but now they are like :| omg u are godness

ask the quebec players LOL :lol:
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Old May 29th, 2005, 23:16   #15
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One important point I don't think anyone has mentioned yet is that GBBs don't work well, if at all, in the cold. Once the temperature starts dropping the gas in your magazine condenses and becomes far less efficient. Often times GBBs will seize open in the cold, venting all of your gas on the first shot. Sometimes you'll manage to fire off a magazine but your velocity will be reduced to probably around springer range, depending on just how cold it is.
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