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Why not get a Pistol as a first gun?


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Old April 9th, 2011, 13:45   #1
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Why not get a Pistol as a first gun?

I was just wondering why it would be a bad idea to get a pistol before an AEG.
I was assuming because in outdoor games a pistol is pretty much useless but I love CQB (favorite part of my Infantry training) so I wanted to lean towards those games more than outdoor large field games. Would getting a pistol work out a little better for me?

I'm very new to this hobby and I went to my first game at TTAC3 in Toronto where it was all CQB. I needed to rent a gun and got a Mp5, after playing with it for awhile I asked to switch to a pistol to get the feel for that. To me, I ended up playing alot better with a pistol in a CQB game that with a rifle(well Mp5).

But I'm obviously the new guy so I just wanted the oppinion from the older players on this manner. I understand the use for an AEG in open field/larger playing grounds but if I wanted to stick to close quarters (at least for now) does that kindove change the outlook on getting an AEG first?

(I don't know if this will come up but I'm just gonna put it out there first. I am in the process of being AV'd, been waiting for almost two weeks for them to update my account.)

Thanks for your time.
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Old April 9th, 2011, 13:58   #2
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Your AV is through lol, look under your name.
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Old April 9th, 2011, 13:58   #3
Suburban Gun Runner
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Ideally pistols are secondary weapons and not primary. Even in indoor fields most players will be using aegs and not just pistols. While fun you would quickly find yourself out gunned very quickly. Not all indoor events follow the semi only and real cap loads like at TTAC3.
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Old April 9th, 2011, 14:42   #4
a.k.a. Greedy
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TTAC is a very small field, pistol primary there is a viable option because it's so tight and engagement distances are rarely greater than 15ft. If you go and play anywhere else with a little open ground between cover you'll surely get out ranged and out gunned by any AEG out there. IMO it's necessary to carry both as they have advantages in different situations.

An AEG is necessary to be competitive in a skirmish and a pistol is a luxury that will be useful in certain situations.

Last edited by Kozzie; April 9th, 2011 at 14:51..
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Old April 9th, 2011, 14:48   #5
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I started with a pistol in a CQB field... and even though I have good CQB rifles and a shotgun, I usually play with a pistol only. My usual primary is a TM Glock 18C AEP (an electric pistol that can fire full auto) and although it has low power, it's VERY accurate, and I found that it's more than good enough for CQB. I also have a TM 1911A1 with a TK twist barrel that works marvels in CQB. I also got to play with a few KJW pistols and WE hi-capa and those don't cut it. The quality of the pistol you use WILL make a difference. Having a lot of spare magazines also helps.

Yes, you will sometimes find yourself at a disadvantage in bigger firefights, but most of the time, your quicker reflexes and lighter load out will be a much bigger advantage than being able to fire a lot of rounds in full auto. Beside, you have teammates that will have full auto rifles, so stick to what you can do best with a pistol (sneaking, recon, fast movements for ambushes, etc) and you will be an asset to your team, not the under-gunned little guy.

Alternatively, you can get a machine pistol, like the Mac11, MP9 and MP7. Those might be a good compromise between a pistol and a rifle and they work marvels in CQB.
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Old April 9th, 2011, 15:21   #6
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Right on, thanks for the help
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Old April 9th, 2011, 15:32   #7
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Well, don't consider only my opinion. Others have valid points too. Besides, a good pistol cost almost as much as a good rifle, so if you want both, prepare to spend mucho $$$.

It all comes down to your budget, and when other recommend that you buy an AEG first, they are probably right, as having an AEG allows you to play both in CQB and outside. If your budget is limited, getting an AEG first is probably a better choice. If you have a lot of money to spend, they by all means, get a good pistol first, and whenever you get tired of it, buy an AEG and you will have both.
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Old April 9th, 2011, 15:38   #8
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Another point is that AEG mags may be cheaper. Especially M4/M16 mags. Pistol mags also need other purchases (propane adapter, propane, stuff for maintenance like seals, o-rings, silicone oil)
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Old April 9th, 2011, 19:26   #9
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You can always get something like a gas MP7 or MP9. Pistolish, rifleish, a bit of everything. Mags aren't cheap or easy to find but when you're fully setup it's ton's of fun.
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Old April 9th, 2011, 19:39   #10
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I started way way way back with a TM USP Springer. I got some "kills" but it usually required me to be very sneaky. Frankly Airsoft is a game where range is subjective and an accurate good quality pistol can perform well if you are willing to put the effort into it.

I highly suggest that if you do get a pistol as a primary you get something of decent quality and read reviews and field testings before you commit.

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Old April 9th, 2011, 20:16   #11
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Not just pistols, but gas guns in general require significantly more routine maintenance and cleaning, and are also much more prone to breakdowns and performance issues (especially GBB pistols). They're also affected greatly by the ambient temperature.

Whereas an AEG is only mildly affected by temperature, most notably shorter battery life, which can be avoided by using LiPo batteries. Although some AEG's break down fairly quickly stock, most AEG's given some basic upgrade parts have pretty good track records. Fully upgraded AEG's like the ones I do don't break down for a minimum of 2 years, and that's with zero maintenance and zero cleaning.

Across a broad spectrum of playing conditions (throughout a whole season), and especially since newer players generally don't know how to take care of their stuff, AEG's are your best bet.
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Old April 11th, 2011, 10:48   #12
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While this thread is generating mostly a consensus of 'Yeah, pistols rock', I'd advise the OP to take a look at the join dates and post counts of the majority of the repliers. Using a pistol against AEG's is very doable, but takes alot of skill and experience. I would highly recommend against any newcomer to the sport trying this, as they would likely come away with a negative experience. For the newcomer, a pistol is good for emergency backup and the occasional pistols only battle, but little else.

Think about it: A pistol usually firing a couple of rounds a second at 320ish fps from a six inch barrel, with a 25 round mag and iron sights. Versus a full auto AEG firing 10 to 30 rounds a second at 350-400 fps from a foot and a half barrel, with an 80 round mag, optics and a shoulder stock. Without a lot of skill on the side of the pistol wielder, who do you think will win the majority of the time?

Pistols do indeed rock, I love my KJW 1911 to pieces. But I wouldn't use it in battle against an AEG unless my M4 was bone dry of ammo. And in that instance, I wouldn't have high hopes of winning. If you want to go light-weight in battle, think about a good subgun like a p90 or mp5k-pdw rather then pistols.
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Old April 11th, 2011, 11:00   #13
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Originally Posted by Kuro_Neko View Post
While this thread is generating mostly a consensus of 'Yeah, pistols rock', I'd advise the OP to take a look at the join dates and post counts of the majority of the repliers. Using a pistol against AEG's is very doable, but takes alot of skill and experience. I would highly recommend against any newcomer to the sport trying this, as they would likely come away with a negative experience. For the newcomer, a pistol is good for emergency backup and the occasional pistols only battle, but little else.

Think about it: A pistol usually firing a couple of rounds a second at 320ish fps from a six inch barrel, with a 25 round mag and iron sights. Versus a full auto AEG firing 10 to 30 rounds a second at 350-400 fps from a foot and a half barrel, with an 80 round mag, optics and a shoulder stock. Without a lot of skill on the side of the pistol wielder, who do you think will win the majority of the time?
This man speaks the truth. If you want something for CQB, I would highly recommend a compact SMG type AEG as a first gun, as it will be far more useful than a pistol. I wouldn't say to NOT get a pistol, but if you're new, chances are that the AEG will be far more useful and you'll get a lot more enjoyment out of the game.

That being said, skill with a pistol can make it a viable option as well, both indoor and out. I was at an outdoor game on a rather large field yesterday. 12 of my 14 kills were pistol kills (FN 5-7 rocks!). It's just not recommended for a noob.

Get used to the game with a good AEG. Once you have that, then a pistol will become a useful tool to use as a primary for CQB.
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Old April 11th, 2011, 11:10   #14
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My first airsoft gun was an army 1911. It was then, and still is my weapon of choice for cqb scenarios.
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Old April 11th, 2011, 11:16   #15
Brian McIlmoyle
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Pistol as Primary.

Works fine in a CQB situation where most engagements happen within 5M or so

For example, at TTAC3 .. all you need is a pistol and 2 mags and you can do just fine ( as you found out) But in most other places, CQB forms just part of the action.

Even at a place such as CQB paintball there are opportunities for long range shoots that a piston can do .. but is not good at. Certainly you *can* play with just a pistol and some people choose to do so. But I would not recommend it unless you plan on playing at TTAC3 mostly.
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