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Range Questions


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Old July 28th, 2007, 23:05   #1
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Range Questions

Ok let me start the thread by saying that I do know the longer the barrel the better the range. Now, I have a G3 SG1 which has a barrel length of 469mm. I have a Guarder 110 spring and no other upgrades. I am using .25g bbs. I would like to use this gun a semi auto sniper rifle. What should be the max range of this gun? I am asking this so that I can pick a proper target to sight my 3x scope in on. Any help on this would be appreciated.

I also plan on adding a silencer and getting a 650mm inner barrel come winter time. When adding this extra length to the inner barrel is there anything else that needs to be changed?? Like a different cylinder??

Thanks again.
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Last edited by joker060; July 28th, 2007 at 23:14..
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Old July 28th, 2007, 23:08   #2
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Is it stock or upgraded?

Edit: Just to add you dont need to be very precise. Airsoft guns aren't precision weapons. i have a slightly upgraded M14 and I zeroed my scope at 3x at around 20 meters and have been pretty accurate. Just remember that wind will knock your bb off course at longer distances.
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Old July 29th, 2007, 00:35   #3
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just for clarification, i'm pretty sure that range doesn't come from barrel length. the barrel only determines the BB's accuracy and path of trajectory. it is mainly the power of the spring that determines the range.

if you are adding a 650mm barrel, you might want to consider a "bore-up cylinder" kit to reduce the suction like back pressure.

if you can spend more money on the gun, and I would assume your purpose would be sniping (hence the 650mm barrel) then i suggest you adding a stronger spring than guarder 110, tougher gears, aftermarket spring guide metal bushings, and the bore-up cylinder kit
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Old July 29th, 2007, 00:54   #4
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barrel length only mariginally affects range, and in most cases where the barrel length doesnt match the cylinder displacment, it negativley affects it. air seal (nozzle, hopup ect) and power (spring, motor, battery) all work in synergy together to produce range. if your adding a extreemly long inner barrel (rule of thumb is 6" over stock) you WILL need a bore up kit as bbs pointed out. other wise you will get suck back. you man to talk to on this would be illusion, he is well informed on this matter.

as for sighting, i could be wrong but isnt it, in real steel the ballistic trajectory at 25' is the same at 250' (or is it 300?) if you had your rifle upgraded properly wouldnt the same rule of thumb carry over? 25' being you minimum engagment and 250' being your maximum?
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Old July 29th, 2007, 01:06   #5
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Originally Posted by BBS View Post
if you are adding a 650mm barrel, you might want to consider a "bore-up cylinder" kit to reduce the suction like back pressure.
If you're going to 650, a bore-up kit isn't so much a suggestion as a must. Without it, you'll most likely be getting terribly consistency between shots because of the suck-back, which will affect your effective range MUCH more than an extra 200mm of barrel will.
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Old July 29th, 2007, 09:40   #6
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barrel length is for grouping, you can get the same range out of a M4 CQB than you can an M16A2, but the short barrel on the M4 CQB will cause the bb to veer off course more easily. If the gun shoots 380fps then it shoots 380fps no matter how long the barrel is.
I've got a G3 with a 469mm tightbore, shoots about 380fps and rivals sniper rifles in range, but I have a lot of internal parts upgraded which affect range (piston head, cyl head, cylinder, nozzle, etc)
and like everyone else says, you'll need the bore-up kit for a 650mm barrel.
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Old July 29th, 2007, 11:43   #7
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My MP5A with stock barrel (I mean stock TM barrel in the length of 229mm)and only performance upgrade is a Prometheus 110SP spring (shoots 365fps) can get decent groupings (for an airsoft gun) at 200ft using 0.28g easily. So barrel length doesn't determine effective range.
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Old July 29th, 2007, 11:47   #8
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So if I got the Guarder Infinite Torque Up kit would that work?? Or would I still have to get the Guarder Bore up kit?? Am I also safe to assume that I would need to upgrade to the 9.6V battery?

Thanks for all the help so far.
Originally Posted by Schwag View Post
Please. I get .50 cal ricochets in the head while I'm eating my Rice Krispies in the morning. What's the big fucking deal?
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Old July 30th, 2007, 03:20   #9
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If you are running your current spring, you wont need a 9.6 unless you want a high ROF or a high responce time. If are looking for a high responce time you should consider a MOSFET along with low resistance connectors. If you go with a M130-M140 spring (~450FPS) than a 9.6 would be in order. In fact you current spring doesnt require the high torque gears. You should consider a 6.03 or 6.01 barrel. I dont know much about the bore kits other than i have heard both sides of if they work or not more than I care. I will say that barrel suck is more than a hypothesis and you should be conserned. You would be better off focusing on hopup and BB weight. Im not saying the 650 barrrel is a bad idea but its not a fix all for sniping unless you are running gas. Effective range is a combination of things not one or two individual upgrades. FPS allows for heavier BBs to travel at acceptable speeds and range. These BBs with increase grouping along with tighter or longer barrels which in turn increase effective range. Bore up kits gears batteries and motors are required to make the system work with a spring that generates the higher FPS.

A side note: range affects trajectory, a lot. MOA or minute of the agnel is a term that is used to describe accuracy in firearms. 1MOA means that a rifle will group 1 inch at 100 yards. This means that the gun would be more accurate before and less after 100 yards. Airsoft is difficult to range but I would sight your shots in at the distance you have difficulty seeing them. 200+ feet you be a good maximume effective range to shoot for.
this site may help you decide on what FPS(spring) and BB weight you want to use. Remeber BB weight affects FPS. ie, is two gun that are the same use different weight BBs the one shooting heavier a weight BB will have a lower FPS becuase it requires more energy to more the heavier BB.

hope this helps, mateba
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