I wanted to hear peoples opinion about good Trijicon Replica 4x32.
such as this:
The reason I insist specifically on a "Trij" replica is because I miss the one that have been with me during my military service.
I was wandering about several Trijicon replicas, and since I have never dealt with them - I thought about asking you:
Which replica would you recommend?
There are several important aspects, that I'd like the Trij to have:
*Good strenght and sturdiness - It can't be a plastic fake. I want it to be reliable and withstand a possible hit. I'd really like guys who have their sights for more then a year comment here
*The scope must be a 4X32. Not a red dot
*The windage\evaluation must actually work.
If you could help me with some recommendations I'd be really greatfull.
Thank you very much.