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Old May 3rd, 2009, 13:04   #14
m102404's Avatar
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Location: Toronto
J, your air nozzle wasn't sealing with the cylinder head nozzle, causing the air compression loss. You're CA spring was pretty soft/short...but I never put it back in to chrony afterwards.

I tried a BNIB o-ring air nozzle and it wasn't a great fit either. I then tried another and another until I got a good seal (I have about half a dozen spares at any given time).

So...while the "fix" was a new air nozzle...just dropping in a new part doesn't always solve the problem.

Glad to hear it's shooting well...when we're up against each other at the next game, it's good form to give your gun doc a warning shot before you lace him up. LOL!
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