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Old April 24th, 2009, 15:49   #206
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I built a ghillie suit a while back and wasnt to happy with the thickness of the jute or the colour when i was finished dying so i purchased one. It is one of the bow hunting suits where the front is ghillied aswell.


The mesh is a bit small so it is VERY difficult to stuff it with vegetation, but never the less you can. Works best to stuff ferns or something with a stiff stem so you can jam it into the small mesh.

The base of the suit has about the worst seems ive ever seen. perhaps i got a lemon or something but the seems on my crotch have ripped open and the seems on my right leg have too. i have to reinforce and resew the whole thing to make it sterdy.

The jute is supposedly flame retardant but i took a piece off and burned it and it slowly burned, stayed lit, and dropped plasticy burning chunks and it continued burning (ever lit a pen ink cartridge on fire and seen the balls of flaming plasticy goo drop? thats exactly what it looked like).

The suit is very comfortable and has a hood on it which can be pulled almost fully over the face and it has draw strings to tighten it (like kenny from south park)

I really like having ghillie on my front because it allows me to stand up or crouch and still feel and be concealled. I do alot of crawling around and have found that honestly it doesnt get caught like people are worried it might get. In all honesty the part that gets caught the most is the outside portions of the legs. That is exactly why the seams on the pants have ripped.

long story short i think its made of synthetic material (says on the packaging if i remember correctly) so if you purchase it it shouldnt give you alergies like burlap would. I can tell you that while i was making my ghillie i was getting a stuffy nose and a closed up throat so you arent alone!


Epic picture showing rip in crotch >.> (since gotten worse)

Stuffed with stuff (would prefer more but was in a hurry)

blends in rather well

Last edited by Jaxxin; April 24th, 2009 at 15:51..
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