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Old April 13th, 2009, 15:04   #15
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Regina
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the silencers on them are not great but if they break you can buy a new one easily enough. In fact I think Styrak sold them i dont know if he still does but he does sell some really nice silencers!! ... (And this is why you should have tougher skin!! never know what these people can do for you!!)

I say that a full stock is a waste of time (might as well get an m4 cause the manuverability is basically the same then lol!). Sliding stocks or folding are nice to make the gun more manuverable and i use mini batteries in mine just have 2 in case you need to change em!!
You realy think so? I totaly agree! with what I'm not sure yet but I'll bet that I'll find out.
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