Ive done alot of looking in this area and have found alot of people use the hole (big circular thing just in front of the hand grip) at the front. You can run para cord around the gun using this and it works fine. in the picture it appears that he is using the metal heat sheild holes to strap it in this works too but it can scratch up the paint in that area. I also tried sliding it in between where your outter barrel and the bar below it and wrapped it around the the barrel (Works well for 3 point slings) It appears from the pictures I've seen that various military have used all of these examples ive stated it really depends on the sling you have! For the 2 point i would reccomend using the picture's method. For the 3 point use one of the other methods i stated. I maybe wrong in how this is supposed to be done but all 3 work fine and I've never had an issue even just supporting the gun on one of these points alone!
So really its your choice try them out and see what you think!
PS: when you connect your sling to the back it is reccomended by alot of reviews to use paracord first as this will keep the metal hole from breaking during a sling issue (Ex: Falling over and jarring the sling). Keeps the back hole from snapping off! instead you break paracord lol.
PSS: Do not use a 3 point sling with a box mag you are likely to break something. (Exspecially if is a plastic box mag not a bag)
edited for spelling!
You realy think so? I totaly agree! with what I'm not sure yet but I'll bet that I'll find out.
Last edited by Manni; March 31st, 2009 at 01:45..