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Old March 24th, 2009, 17:05   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Canada / Ireland / USA
A cansoft Masada/ACR could be availble! (a call to retailers)

Hi everyone,

Being really interested in the Masada and seeing how it's hard to get it around the world, and obviously even more in Canada, I did my own research.

I came in contact with a distributor of the Masada, and asked if a cansoft tinted-lower version could be possible.

Short answer: yes.

Complete answer:
it is, but maybe somehow hard mainly for two reasons: first, the minimum order is 1000 pieces. That's quite a lot (yeah, really?) however it's price is significantly lower than, say G&G or ICS for what seems to be great quality (at least, according to the few reviews I've read). But I'm sure a retailer could negotiate to lower that minimum order quantity. Second problem, legalities. To my knowledge, it's impossible to patent only the look, so selling it under something like "Advanced Canadian Rifle" or something along those lines should work but considering Magpul's aggressive law team, who knows?

Finally, a carbine black version is availble for now but a dark earth one will be shortly, too. CQC versions will also be availble as upgrade kits (I guess probably an outer barrel with inner and hopup, but I don't have better info on this).

So if any retailer is interested about this, just PM me and I'd be glad to send you the info I got and the email of said company for you to pursue this as, not being a retailer (and under 18, lol) I can't do much more than that!

I hope that helps and that we'll be able to bring them here!


Last edited by Conker; October 3rd, 2011 at 00:21..
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