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Old March 7th, 2009, 11:57   #11
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Angus, Ontario
Thanks for the review seems like a decent starter pistol and for 65 bux disposable really on a side note i recently got a chance to try the tippman 104 and due to a mishap also got to dismantle it identical gun externally and internally.

I have 2 of the crosman co2 guns with the full size magazine and it turns out that the co2 mag from that fits into the 104 guns and vice versa just thought i would put that out there so if anyone is in need of co2 for winter fir this gun or the guys who own the crosman u can get the gas mags from capitol that are meant for the 104 and they will fit. The crosman gun has the same internals except more plastic in the build.
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