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Old March 1st, 2009, 15:19   #2
Brit ter
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Niagara Region
Originally Posted by RominaPower View Post
Hi everybody,

I'm shooting a short film for the March 7-8 weekend and I need a quite realistic pistol, black would be nice but I would be happy with anything else looking a bit like a real m4 doesn't really fit with the scene context.

The film will be shot in Montreal, but I'm open to go on south and north shore to get it and, if you want to, I can give you something during the time your gun is on the set so you can be sure I will give you back.

Hoping my english skills are not too crappy!

Thank you.
Whats your girlfriend look like !
Weapons : 39 airsoft weapons. Daf YA 314, 3 ton Dutch Army Truck. Retired Reg.Force 1 Brigade RECCE.
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