Originally Posted by FOX_111
Some of us have specialised ourself into the sniping part of airsoft to an extend that we have accumulated knowledge and experience that is worth sharing with other enthousiasts to highten the level of play and efficiency among the snipers.
Sha Do developped the first Sniper clinic in Ontario. I imported the idea to Québec and made my own course.
That result in a certification program that is recognised at some fields to allow certified snipers to shoot at higher fps.
The clinic aim is mainly on safety, team work, fieldcraft and other real world / airsoft parallel.
Well said there bro Fox.
At the TAC09 convention this year, we will be forwarding the proto type ID cards for Certified BA Operators (read; snipers). Lots of people have been waiting on these for some time now, and if they (the counsel of the round table) find it acceptable, we'll start issuing them to the back list of course and clinic graduates. These will state the fps limit that the bearer has been certified up to, but the fps limits at games are still set by the host. These ID cards are just a way of a host verifying a BA operators level and they may make exceptions for these players.
The ID cards get turned in to the host at any event where the BA Operator has been allowed to use a higher fps BA, and is will be returned to the player at the end of the event...UNLESS the BA Operator is responsable for seriously injuring another player with their BA. If this happens, the host is to forward the ID card to the reagonal instructor, and the BA Operator is publically banned from using anything other than the regular fps limits for a set length of time.
Depending on the nature of the infraction leading to the injury, the player may face a ban ranging from one year to possibly being indefinitly banned from the certification program. Hosts may ban these players from attending any of their events, and the BA Operator may be banned from attending any other ASC sanctioned events for a set lenght of time.
The whole big thing with this is that it only works if the airsoft community supports and enforces the bans.
Remember that the HOST sets all fps limits, so the certification does not allow you to use higher fps just because you have it. You must be cleared through the HOST before you field the higher fps BA at any event.