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Old January 27th, 2009, 13:30   #13
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: T-dot
I decided by looking into what would suit / fit me best, factoring in if I wanted all sorts of doo-dads hanging off of it or what not then lurking the classifieds until something along the lines I wanted popped up for cheap. And I mean CHEAP...every couple of days someone will post an AEG for sale that's honestly a steal...provided you have the cash on hand.

Originally Posted by RGauvin View Post
hmm, well thanks for all of the feedback. Thankfully nothing is on order so it is never too late to change my mind. I think I might go the m14 route before an m16/ar15, if anything because it is a little less common (star makes some that are sexy as hell).

I think I'm scared if I go M14 I'll be tempted to try to turn it into a sniper rifle off the bat which wouldn't be a good thing to start with...

decisions, decisions, decisions....

how the hell did you all decide on your first AEG?? It is hard as hell.
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