Thread: FN Sniper SCAR
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Old January 26th, 2009, 13:41   #4
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Yes, there is a real steel sniper scar that has long receiver and VFC has prototype of that longer receiver scar too but not sure when it's come out.

The one in the picture is just a regular SCAR-L that has long barrel.

I will post up the complete picture. For the suppressor, I'm going to use my King Arms light weight suppressor since I'm low on the budget now also for the scope, I might just cheap to use my 3 x 9 x 40 mm tasco scope and get a new mount.

Originally Posted by RGauvin View Post
I believe the real steel sniper version of the scar has a longer upper receiver (like in the picture). Wouldn't a VFC scar-l have the shorter upper receiver? it'll look a little different from the picture but I am sure it will look just as sexy.

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