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Old January 22nd, 2009, 09:26   #7
Crunchmeister's Avatar
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I think you're pretty safe with a TM 1911 running on propane stock. Many people do this and run their guns for years without issue.

Personally, I'm a big fan of metal slides. If you wish to increase the durability of the gun without sacrificing any of its performance, you can get a nice CNC aluminum slide for it. They're quite plentiful and easy to find, and you can import them from abroad without any issue. They will make your gun feel and sound a lot nicer than a stock plastic slide.

As for WE, I'd avoid their 1911 line completely just because of their poor track record and the lack of available spare / replacement parts. While I keep hearing that their new MEU is a lot more durable than their standard 1911, they're still incompatible with any other aftermarket part. If the smallest thing breaks on the gun, it essentially becomes a $200+ paperweight. If their 1911s were compatible with another major brand like TM or WA, then I'd be all for them, as replacement parts would be cheap and plentiful. But that's just not the case. I personally wouldn't touch them, even though they're nice guns that shoot well - until something breaks...

And to add to this last part, I'm in no way a WE basher. I own 2 WE pistols, and love them both. The Luger is a collection piece, so it sees little use, and even if it were to break, it would still do its job of looking good. The Hi Capa gets heavy use for plinking and has been gamed. And if anything breaks, it's 100% TM compatible, so parts are cheap and plentiful. That gun I would recommend. Not the 1911 though, simply because it's been proven to have a high defect rate and no available replacement parts.

Last edited by Crunchmeister; January 22nd, 2009 at 09:28..
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