Originally Posted by QuincyXavier
The C7 assault rifle was introduced in 1986, right? When did they bring out the C7A2 rifle and was that the first that had an adjustable stock? And when did the OD furniture come along?
The C7 had the carry-handle upper receiver like its M16A2 couterpart;
C7A1 flat top railed upper receiver(like the M16A3) for the C79 scope;
C7A2 with flat top receiver, all the green furnishing, slither stock and C79A2 (Green as well and other minor mods) and tri-rail TRIAD I mount below the front sight.
The C7A2 was the first C7 to have a slither stock, and was issued with OD furninshing as part of the A2 upgrades. Not sure of the dates, but it's only a few years old (I had one issued to me for my tour in Afghanistan in 07, was issued for build-up training in early 07). Other rotos before mine had it.
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and plenty more info on the web...time and patience will be needed...unless you call up the people who where in charge of the mid-life upgrades