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Old January 7th, 2009, 21:23   #11
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Re. metal piston heads...again, it's my opinion that the "softer" the shock to the front of the mechbox (especially v2's) the better off the mechbox shell is. Whether the shock is spread out over a longer time or whether it's reduced in amplitude...I don't discern. No comment on ported vs. non-ported...that wasn't my point. There is no give in an aluminum piston head...but at least it is hitting a thin rubber pad on the cylinder head. Is that sufficient? Maybe...and if KWA did the research and put automotive class engineering into it...well that's why they did it. But would a different material be perhaps more forgiving and hedge your bets on extending the life span of the mechbox? In my opinion, yes.
KWA cylinder head is plastic which takes the impact that the sorbo on the cylinder head doesnt, the cylinder head has 3mm of sorbo padding on it to reduce impact and absorb shock. I am actually starting to like the stock hopup unit too.
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