Originally Posted by Dao
All the G&P I've seen does have the stock tabs integrated into the body.
Quality wise, not sure on what kind of metal CYMA and G&P use, or even if they use different kind of metal at all, since both bodies weight and feel pretty much the same (G&P has a slightly better texture), unlike the Element body which weights about half as much, and feels very fragile, like it will break anytime.
Sorry yes, you're right was thinking of another brand, Element uses really light metal compared to the Cyma's I've had both and I'd definitely say the Cyma is better than the Element
Element bodies tend to break nere the front where the rear sight block connects to it, this usually happens due to the use of ICS bolts, the slamming of the bolt will cause this to happen alot of the time.
Element 74 bodies have serious fit issues, both with their own 74 top cover as well as with the gearboxes, the Element 47 bodies are
usually good for fit and I've never had a problem with the top cover fitting.