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Old December 19th, 2008, 11:48   #12
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
the Cyma does have the stock tabs integrated into the body, very sturdy IMO

the G&P will require the rear stock trunnion that came with your kraken

the Cyma bodies, do come with a metal rear sight block, however it really depends on the seller as some sell them seperately and others include it.
Do you know if G&P manufactures rear sight blocks? And can you (or anyone else) comment on integrated stock tabs verses stock trunnions?

I'm inclined towards the Cyma for the integrated stock tabs and the metal front set and the fact that Cyma makes the internals as well. It's just I have one of those now and I managed to accidentally do a fair bit of damage to it while installing it. Admittedly I was being an idiot, and I'm totally mechanically inept but still pieces of metal should break off that easily. While I could probably continue to use the one I have, I'm a bit of a perfectionist (also it's a huge reminder of how much of an idiot I was while installing it) so I want to replace it. Thus this thread is born. Thank you to everyone who has responded so far.

Edit: I'd love to hear from someone who has personal experience in using a G&P metal body on a Kraken. I know the Cyma one fits (more or less) but I don't really know about the G&P and like Skladfin said, quality isn't going to do me jack if I can't assemble it.


Last edited by Kuro_Neko; December 19th, 2008 at 11:53..
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