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Old November 15th, 2008, 10:04   #11
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Location: Croatia, Zagreb
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Originally Posted by Lerch View Post
What Bowers is trying to say is he has a problem with people wearing insignia they haven't earned. I'd have to say that I'm on his side, but there's nothing I can really do to stop you other then make sure you do a proper job of wearing the kit.

That said, if you want to wear the insignia, put effort into wearing it properly, instead of just tossing random patches together without giving a damn.
Problem is I didn't say that I will wear these insignia or not, but that didn't stop them to make smart comments, and I get them like attacking me.

I know the "rule" because 99% Croatian airsofters make their own insignia and wear them. We also think it's not fair to present something without earning it. I would like to have some CF insignias like I have many other from other countries. Only thing that I plan to wear is sign CANADA, little Canada OD flag and maybe berate with some Canadian TM in it (like maple leaf inserted somewhere), and I plan to make that myself in my own vision! I hope I clarified this misunderstanding... and sorry about poor English.

But as The Great Malibu White says - don't be hatin'

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