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Old November 13th, 2008, 14:37   #44
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not sure why everyone give clones a bad rap, especially JG. JG has done nothing but improve on TM's designs. If they made no improvements, at least they are perfectly fine under stock conditions. I'd buy the JG model over a TM any day, I own a TM and I love it, but I'd happily buy the JG in favor of the metal receiver and the much lower price.

I see lots of guys laying down the hurt with china clones all the time. Heck, our own Savage Haggis sports a JG and whips ass on upgraded TM's and even PTW's.

Clones have the potential to corner the market, and if their quality continues as it has been, I think Everyone is going to have to step it up to compete with JG and the like..
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