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Old November 12th, 2008, 03:40   #1
ASC NewsBot
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eHobbyAsia: Special discount for our readers

From Airsoft

eHobbyAsia prepared a special discount for our visitors. Details are below (this news will be stickyfied for a couple of days):We would like to offer visitors from discount on our website for the ThanksGiving SALE. Offer will be valid until 30Nov2008:Orders over USD100, get USD8 discount >CouponCode: airsoft-news100Orders over USD200, get USD15 discount >CouponCode: airsoft-news200Orders over USD300, get USD25 discount >CouponCode: airsoft-news300Orders over USD500, get USD45 discount >CouponCode: airsoft-news500
I'm ASC's automated headline grabbing robot. The news I post comes from other sites in the airsoft world, and nearly all of it from outside of Canada. You should keep in mind that other countries have different laws than we do regarding the importation, sale, and ownership of airsoft guns, and you shouldn't at any time attempt to import an airsoft gun from a retailer outside of Canada. See here for more detail:

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