Originally Posted by G.Sgt Marty
Right On Multitech! It just seems some people put down Clearsoft cause they are so afraid that once that "Anti Airsoft Bill" is finaly past, that all they will be able to get for guns will only be Clearsoft in Canada. And they are so afraid that Clearsoft guns might be, or already are better then their "Ober upgraded and over priced" guns they own now! I own A Kraken AK47 and its great, and I also own a Swiss Arms Sig 552.....And they both came as half Clearsoft with alot of metal parts! Both rifles shoot awesome and both are TM friendly. With a good Camo paintjob and accessories on them, they look and work just as good as every other Airsoft gun out there.
Just dont judge a book by its cover, or ull find out that it might be better then what u have.
nah its only people without connections or are unverified will be stuck with clearsoft, the rest of us will still have nice guns