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Old September 23rd, 2008, 15:06   #16
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: In your bedroom going though your underwear drawer
Don't think I'm bashing these guns because they're clear. I regularly recommend the Kraken to people on a budget and want to get into airsoft, and moreso, to people looking for a good platform to upgrade to metal and wood. I'm probably one of the more vocal supporters of good-quality clearsoft on ASC.

My opinion on the MP5 is based more on the Aftermath Lycoan and many, many reviews I read on it when I was looking for an MP5. Its reviews were pretty dismal, with overall reliability and durability being serious points of concern. The Broxa is apparently better, but still not quite up to par with even cheaper non-clear Chinasoft. It's not a bad gun, but considering that you can get a black JG MP5 (non-railed) new for about $260 (what I paid for mine here on ASC) and have a reliable, durable gun out of the box, it makes clear guns like the Lycoan and Broxa not much of a deal at their price level.

And I'm actually taking a serious look at that clear Sig 552. I want a 552 for my collection, but just can't justify paying $500+ for a gun that will basically be a showpiece with the occasional plinking, and maybe the odd gaming here and there
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