Thread: SCAR-H Mags?
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Old September 8th, 2008, 23:30   #10
bleaches's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: vancouver
hasn't the gun been out for quite some time now? at least that's the standpoint from Taiwan. cuz when i went back this time most of the stores had the VFC SCAR-H. also on the military show they were showing it off along with a prototype sniper variant that on the real gun never made it into production. its basically made to take the contract for the USSOCOM Mk11 SPR. however never made it pass the cut. in short, its just one long mofo (incredibly long receiver), and heavy too when i felt it at the show.

this gun in the back

as far as the mags go G&P SR-25 mags are compatible, just the fitting is a lil tight due to the thick paint that are generally on the G&P's

i hope this helps
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