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Old August 23rd, 2008, 21:54   #27
Official ASC "Dumb Ass"
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Scarbrah, Ontario
Originally Posted by Flea-ish View Post
hey, i have an idea.

Sticky a thread about retailers, where you have a vote as to whether or not they are reliable/ship times/prices. Maybe a 5-star system, or just the percentage yes/no format that forum polls usually have.

then you could have a place where noobs could go to see what the community thinks of all the sellers.

sorry if this has already come up, and this is one of the daily noob posts :P

*by the way, pusangani, you should have just called me captain sassypants and made a joke out of it, i would have laughed about as *much, and you wouldn't have come off as Mr. Seriouscat, when there's nothing to really stress about.
As per your suggestion we have a review section for retailers, I do agree that making this information for available (spoonfeedable) for noobz would cut down on these types of threads and might help in the long run. However the average lazyass that comes thru here making these lame kinds of threads will not even bother to read such a thread, the FAQ section is stickied but we still get dum threads asking question that are answered there so what then?

I didn't think you were being rude and sass comment was not directed at you at all but if you wanted me to call you Captain Sassypants then I'll be happy to oblige

And trust me I don't stress over shattered noobz

Yours truly
mr. Seriouscat
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