Originally Posted by Flea-ish
lots of you are pretty damn rude.
with anything, there will be people who can find their ass with both hands, and those who cant, yet.
there's always gonna be noobs. each and every one of you was a noob at one point, so cut the dumb noobs a *little* slack. Of course if you're just out to alienate anyone and everyone who tries to become a member of the ASC community and get advice, then by all means, keep on keeping on.
I don't think anyone is out to keep new members out. We just get tired of being asked the same tired bullshit everyday.
There is nothing wrong with being a noob as you said we all were at some point but when you are obviously too lazy to do your own research then you are going to get flamed guaranteed.
And if you admittedly did not do your own research and then want to come here and rant about it and get flames in the process then do not get upset about it and DO NOT get uppity and attempt to give us any sass because that will be end of your life here on ASC