There's one Chinese clone (The Well I believe) that refuses to fit most other magazines. If you wanted to fit a TM mag it would require major modifications. Since this is an HFC we're talking about the point is moot. I've worked on several HFC's and never had any issues with magazine fitment with TM magazines.
Here's an idea to help trouble shoot:
- Put magazine in rifle
- cock rifle and fire in safe direction
- cock rifle again
- remove magazine (a BB should fall out)
- engage safety on rifle
- look in mag well and see if there's a BB inside the chamber (Alternatively go into a dark room and shine a flashlight down the barrel from the muzzle end, you should no see any light in the magwell)
If there's no light or there is a BB in the chamber then at least the rifle is feeding and it's probably a sealing issue that's causing it not to fire.
Otherwise it's a feeding problem. You'd probably be best to dismantle the rifle and remove the inner barrel/chamber. You should be able to push the magazine into the bottom of the chamber. You can then use a pen to push the BB's down the barrel. If you can do that with ease then it may be fitment issues with the stock/chamber assembly.