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Old August 22nd, 2008, 17:11   #4
tsuru's Avatar
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Winnipeg, MB
When you pull the magazine out after a successful shot is there a BB loose in the mag well/does a BB fall out when you pull the magazine out? If there's no BB present then the piece in the hop-up chamber is probably seized or is not lubricated sufficiently to work properly. If you look carefully into the magwell you'll see some shiny pot metal with a small black piece of black plastic in it. This should move up and down freely (There's a small spring that holds it in the down position) If it's not moving freely then you'll need to lube the part in question with silicone oil. You may need to take the whole gun down in order to lubricate the part properly. If there's no tension on the part then you may be missing the spring that holds that part down. I can't think of any OEM replacements but I might be wrong. Either way, check that part out and let us know.
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