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Old August 15th, 2008, 02:17   #2
Diabolic Tyrant
Join Date: Feb 2007
Originally Posted by donlee View Post
well my p99 mag isnt sliding out anymore as smoothly as it was

when i push the button to release it, i have to pull it out rather than letting
it slide out

i took it out and saw some rust so i used WD-40 to get rid of it (i hope it doesnt doing anything bad to the gun)

but still it doesnt slide in and out as it used to

if anyone can help that would be nice
How you managed to get rust on it is beyond me but try WD-40 again but if that fails either A: Try to sand it off and paint or do something to it to make up for the little blotch, or B: Just buy a new one.
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