Originally Posted by nickx271x
Hi, i just bought a kraken for my first gun and im pretty damn sure i can upgrade all the parts my self.(if you can work on a car how hard is it to change a few gears/shims) but now im wondering if i just buy a 6.03 barrel and a new hopup unit if my gun would be good and reliable. Im just gonna be using it with my friends who just have night prowlers at best. Mostly i want reliablity. Oh i already bought a new 8.4v 1600mah for it. Forgot to say but im in california so i dont need to worry about getting age verified i can get it here and my kraken has a full metal body other than the plastic stock and foregrip.
P.S. Dont say why did u buy a kraken i want usefull information not go buy a tm.
Just like you wouldn't just dive into working on a car without doing some research and without the reasonable expectation that you might just mess it up...you've got to expect the same with a mechbox. They are simple...once you understand how the parts work together and what does what. Then there's the fine tuning...just like engines/cars. The devil's in the details...
From what you asked (or maybe how you worded it), swapping out the barrel/hopup won't do anything for the reliability. Shimming/internal parts will. Some parts/setup (e.g. gears, shims, spring) will work towards reliability. Others (e.g. nozzle, piston seal, spring) will work towards performance (i.e. higher fps...which isn't all that it's cracked up to be, more consistent fps, etc.)
I'd recommend that you research mechbox.com (great videos), this site (especially the link provided) and arnies airsoft. There's another really good writeup but I can never find it when I want to reference it (Deadelus...or something like that. Great high res pictures of how the gears should be spaced out in relation to the mechbox and each other). Focus in on bushings and shimming. Don't worry about pure performance at this point, just get the shimming right (who knows, it might now be horrible out of the box...but you should reshim if you're going to replace plastic bushings with metal ones).
Worst case is that you blow up the internals...but then smile and realize it wasn't your car and that you easily get another! LOL
Hope that helps...