Thread: ACU
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Old June 25th, 2008, 03:08   #294
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Originally Posted by techobo View Post
Well there is definitely no denying that the two samples given have striking similarities. Where did you get both of the samples? Are the both issue? Even though CADPAD has more colours, it looks like the ACU just averaged them out. It might make sense if both samples came from a repo company.
Both samples are DIRECTLY from hyperstealth research.

Ducky, the entire spiel is there and is supported by documented evidence.

1) The Canadian DND "licensed" the pattern to the USMC for use in the MARPAT camouflage pattern. The colours were changed to suit their needs.

2) ARPAT is a 3 Colour version of the MARPAT TW pattern. Thus is directly related to CADPAT and would almost have to share some common clusters.

3) The Natick Trials did not even give us the ARPAT that we see today. The winning pattern is not even close to what ARPAT is today:

The "winning pattern" (technically it was the worst pattern in the trial, as All-Over Brush Desert "won", but modifications were made and it was accepted as the pattern) is the right-most uniform in the image. It is "Track (Urban Variant)". As you can plainly see, the uniform does not even come close to resembling ARPAT in any manner. This pattern was digitized onto the MARPAT pattern, the colour black was removed, and thus ARPAT was created.

4) The pattern itself is a giant swatch (forgive me, I can't find the exact dimensions but it's huge), it does repeat but it's meant to repeat in a blended manner. So the fact that there would be similarities in the pattern clusters due to their shared origins is to be expected.

I'm not biased, I've simply seen the similarities and they're supposed to be there. It's a fact that ARPAT is derived from CADPAT since it was derived from MARPAT. The whole reason they used the pattern is because it works so well.

And don't get me wrong, I am not trying to knock ARPAT, it's my favourite camouflage. I just think it's odd that people will argue that CADPAT is better than ARPAT or MARPAT is better, or whatever, when they're all the same "pattern" with different colour schemes. The fact that we all share the same pattern is kind of neat in my mind. In the end, they're all here thanks to Dual-Tex and Lt. Col O'Niel's camouflage breakthroughs in the 70's and 80's

Furthermore, NSN listings use the term ARPAT, unless that's been changed as well, in which I'll concede that the Army has completely switched to using the term UCP (which just started off as a generic term) and appologize for using an outdated term.
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