Note: the pistons used in the drop in mechboxes are the red ones. ie: the ones that will break before you hit the 5000 rounds milestone. so you may want to invest in a black piston as well, just to have it onhand when the red one breaks. (read: WHEN the red one breaks, not If)
Difference between rear wired and front wired? well, look at the model. Generally speaking, rear wired M120 gearboxes are for the M16's, the front wired for M4's. The m16 rear wired box will have a non-ported cylinder for M16 length (509mm) barrels, the M4 front wired box will have a ported cylinder for M4 length barrels (363-400mm). Cylinder matching is important and will affect your guns velocity and accuracy greatly.
The one I got, the spring only shot 270 fps. it was a huge disappointment. Either I got a lemon box, or the spring was mis matched. Either way, the 120 is supposed to fire @400+ speeds, so you will definately need a new spring. (as most fields cap out at 400)