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Old May 27th, 2008, 17:57   #27
gunscythe's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: North
From what I can see that radio would be illegal to operate except for certain frequencies. It's an "open" radio that could very easily cause interference to commercial frequencies in Canada. (It's 400-470. Ham goes from 430-450MHz, the rest is commercial and FRS/GMRS.)

FRS are low range because the power in them is legally limited to half a watt. GMRS are similar in frequency, and limited to 5 watts. They are also very limited to frequencies.

This IASUS radio is an open radio that can be operated in commercial UHF channels, ham radio channels, FRS, GMRS. To be legal you'd have to use it as a GMRS radio only. (unless you had a ham license).

I can't really comment on quality because I've never used one of these.

For the really expensive Motorola XTS3000's we're paying $6000 each. That's totally useless for civilians...
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