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Old May 16th, 2008, 15:22   #11
Kos-Mos's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: LĂ©vis (QC)
Metal bushings, no need for bearings unless you plan on making a lazer gun.

Keep original piston. The more weight you add to your gun, the more work your motor must do and the more wear/impact force you apply on the mechbox.

Cylinder head can be good, but again, not a must. Repalcing the nylon one with an alloy one will add extra stress to the mechbox because it won't absorb the shock. You should change the piston head for a polycarbonate/POM head instead.

Don't put anything on the piston head. If you really want to add padding, place it on the cylinder head. It won't make a lot of change anyways.

You can add an air seal nozzle. Helps keeping the air inside.

The money you saved on useless upgrades can be spent on a DeepFire 6.04 tightbore instead. It will make a drastic difference in accuracy and grouping.
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