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Old April 2nd, 2008, 09:09   #2
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Originally Posted by Sindagon View Post
Does anyone know if it is a hassle to replace he front sight on a CA M15A4 CARBINE with a flip up? I read that you cannot with CAs because of the way the sight and the hand guard are assembled.

It's super easy to remove the front iron sights. There's a little screw on the front handguard bracket that you remove first. Then there are two pins and a set screw holding the iron sight in place. Once removed the whole sight will just slide off the barrel. I did this just recently to install an RAS on my M15A4. Make sure that the front sight you purchase have a screw hole to hold the front handguard bracket in place (which could be a problem to find). It's kinda rare to see a flip up front sight with the stock handgaurd.
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