My New (60's?) Soviet Loadout
Hello there,
Not sure what to make of this one myself...
I needed a Summer Soviet/Russian look for my AK's (you may have seen my previous Fall/Winter loadout on here, but it seems to have disappeared) and this one seemed to fit the bill.
60's? 70's? 80's? I got the BDU from Russian Its called "He-Be"
and was made in the 80's to cut costs in making camo for the whole
Russian army. Or at least thats what Oleg said.
I checked it out, it does exist.
Saying that, the trousers look kinda WW2....
What do you guys think? I must admit I really like it, really
comfortable, good for a Summer loadout?
"There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell."
General William Tecumseh Sherman