Just an update, just a discovery and not (yet) a huge hurrah.
I was checking out the tappet plate (looks like it's a stock CA tappet juging by the type of plastic........ don't recall previously seeing yellow ones in CA guns I've worked on in the past) after checking the piston movement (no spring, mechbox screwed together) and I'm getting pretty decent compression when ramming the piston forward, and while I've had problems in the past with certain nozzle/hop up units, I decided I didn't pay much attention to the tappet. I did notice the nozzle was a bit wobbly, but also on close inspection, saw that it was very slightly bent backwards (more like a very slight lean). And, when I pulled out a new V2 tappet, saw the 'rail' that the nozzle seats in, the new one had the rail about 1mm farther forward than the yellow one. Yellow one was also pretty worn. If this is the case, then it look like the nozzle isn't being allowed to go farward as much as it should with this shitty yellow tappet, so I'm going to try it out after I find out where the new tappet is binding inside the mechbox.
Stay tuned, I think I might have zero'd in on the problem.