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Old February 19th, 2008, 16:18   #108
Sha Do
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: No where to be seen......Hillsburgh
Your fps is always a concearning factor.....the higher the fps, the heavier BB you should be using. If over 330 fps, try using .25 weight BBs. However, another thing to consider is the barrel length verses fps. A a higher fps out of a shorter barrel will create what someof us call "blow by", and this causes the BB to be less stable and therefore will result in less consistant in groupings. There is a finite line of solutions;
-you could go with a tighter inner barrel, but this could result in jamming issues,
-you could go with a longer barrel, though not usually an option with pistols.

This is why the GGB techs that do the IPSIC (think thats the correct spelling) pistols in Japan make sick money (around $185 US an hour) to build and tune these pupies.

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