Thread: Sniper Rifle
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Old February 17th, 2008, 23:21   #37
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: vancouver
In regards to sniping in airsoft it is similar to the real world. Where as the purpose is precision (not just in shooting) but in observation and communications. Your weapon is almost the last thing you should be worrying about. My primary role was intellegence gathering , because you have a magnified optic and concealment you are a much larger asset to your team with proper communications. Being able to precisely remove an opposing team leader , medic , saw gunner or enemy sniper all come from your ability to observe and recongnize things on field.
In regards to the thread jacking on the topic of CSS. The CS and CSS models were originally modeled left handed. The modeler is lefthanded and they didnt mirror over in game properly. His nickname is gooseman and he is/was an airsofter in the lowermainland and has many other mod titles to his name all with the same lefthanded model problem.
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