Thread: Sniper Rifle
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Old February 12th, 2008, 21:08   #26
Join Date: Feb 2008
Originally Posted by Mongoose View Post
Welcome Little to the ASC board and to the wonderfull hobby of airsoft. First thing...please fill out your info so other players who visit this site know where you reside and possible direct you to someone in your area. Secondly...throw those Crappy Tire crap into the garbage and get yourself "Age Verified". This way you can view the For Sale section. Buy yourself a good AEG (M4A1, MP5, AK47, to name a few) and a good side arm. There are many companies who make good quality airsoft guns (TM, CA, ICS, STAR, etc.). Since you're new to this sport and would hate to see you become turned off from it, I would suggest play the assualt first and become familiar with the guns and equipment as well the tactics. Going sniper at first can be very boring and not a very good impression on first time players.

Sniping can be fun but it is for those who have patients. You can go through a whole game and not fire a shot. For example, my team had a event last year and I only fired nine shots while other players had fired over 500+ rnds. and having a gay ole time running around into the action. Like Sha Do, I have a M4w/M203 AEG to fall on if I decide to switch to for a faster paced theme. Sniping isn't for everyone, play a few games as a rifleman and do some research on sniping, the guns and equipment. Talk to some of the players on this site on their sniping experiences and then make a final decision on if sniping is what you want. If you attend a game and there is a player who's going to play the team sniper, ask if you could shadow him or ask him questions. As well, there is a FAQ section, please take the time to read it. It is very informative and may answer alot of your questions.

Hope this helps and again, welcome to the ASC board and have fun.

Thanks for the reply mongoose. i agree with you totally, sniper rifle is not the best choice for a first gun. I am planning on getting something along the lines of an M4. I want the sniper rifle mainly for shooting in the backyard or in my shop, untill im ready to snipe on the field. And those crappy tire guns are garbage, but make for great fun at work when theres nothing to do. myself and another fellow, had a little relay course setup the other day, good times.
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