Originally Posted by kalnaren
The rifles are *ok* out of the box, but will need work to make them into a good sniper platform.
Generally, it is recommended that new players start with an AEG. Sniping in airsoft is very difficult and is WAY different than what you think it is. Most players who are snipers spent a good deal of time playing as riflemen first.
Agreed +1...
Originally Posted by DC_ACU
drop the canadian tire crap and read the faq's.
Agreed +1....
Take their advice, I've been using a bolt action "sniper" rifle for almost 11 years (and sniping for almost 14 years), and I still keep an AEG around to fall back on. Read the faq's, start with an AEG (such as the M-4 or what ever) and if you decide you want to try sniping after about a year or so, then look at getting a BA rifle. By then you'll know if you really want to snipe and will have enough knowledge to know what you need to upgrade the BA to what you want.