January 13th, 2008, 22:52
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
Yeah Canada post isnt to high on my list of favorites when it comes to shipping.
Personally, my prefered method to send somthing is the same thing my dad does, VIA the bus, good old greyhound. A photographer in regina contacted me in the morning and requested a few articles of clothing from my shop for a shoot. I packed up what he needed in a box and headed down to the bus station. Fairly cheap to send something by bus, its dependant on the size of the parcel though. Four hours later I got a phone call saying that he checked the arrival time of the bus that I told him the parcel was on, went to the bus station and picked up the package within 15 minutes of the bus arriving.
Now I dont know how safe I would feel sending an AEG this way, but if there was insurance I wouldnt see why not, with good communication and coordination it wouldnt be that bad of a thing to do. Granted everything was properly packaged and no mishaps occured, you know things like bus going into the ditch and such.
Yeah the biggest thing is the time it takes greyhound! A parcel across canada is 8-14 days! Greyhound can usually do it 90% of the time within 3 days!